Fall 2023 Second SGA Special Election Announcement

TUSCALOOSA — Oct. 23, 2023

A second Fall 2023 SGA Special Election is scheduled to be held on Wednesday, Nov. 29, 2023. A runoff election (if necessary) is planned for Tuesday, Dec. 5, 2023. Voting will be open on myBama from 7:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. CST on the day of the scheduled election. Additional information regarding the election timeline can be found on SGA Elections.

Available positions on the ballot include one (1) Senate seat for the College of Education, one (1) Senate seat for the Graduate School, and one (1) Senate seat for the Law School. The Candidate Filing Period is Nov. 3-8, 2023, and any eligible student wishing to run for elected office must submit an online Application & Statement of Candidacy declaring intent to seek office by 11:59 p.m. CST on Wed., Nov. 8 2023.

Candidates and their campaign manager must also attend one (1) of the Mandatory Candidate Informational Meetings hosted virtually by the Elections Board and SGA on Nov. 1, Nov. 2, and Nov. 8. All sessions will be held from 6:15 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. via the following Zoom link. In addition to detailing the role and responsibilities of the available senate position, the informational session will cover the elections timeline, candidacy requirements, and campaign regulations.
Please contact the Student Elections Board, at sgaelections@ua.edu for inquiries regarding the Fall 2023 SGA Special Election.

Fall 2023 Second SGA Special Election Announcement (PDF)
Fall 2023 Second SGA Special Election Timeline (PDF)

Executive Order 08-28

An Executive Order Calling a Special Session of the SGA Senate on Monday, August 28, 2023

WHEREAS, The 28th Senate of the Student Government Association was duly elected on February 28, 2023; and,

WHEREAS, Article IV, Section 5, subsection E of the SGA Constitution states that the SGA President may “call special sessions of the Senate when deemed necessary; now,

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, By the authority vested in John Collier Dobbs III as the
elected President of The University of Alabama Student Government Association, and by
the powers enumerated in the SGA Constitution and SGA Code of Laws, and in keeping
with the Capstone Creed, it is hereby ordered: that the SGA Senate by called into Special Session
Monday, August 28, 2023 to confirm an Associate Justice of the Student Judiciary, the Senate’s
Parliamentarian and First Year Council Directors for the 2023-24 term, and to consider such
business as the Speaker of the Senate and the membership of that body deem appropriate.

View EO-08-28 in PDF
Zoom link for the Special Session of the SGA Senate on Monday, August 28, 2023

Fall 2023 SGA Special Election Announcement

TUSCALOOSA — Aug. 21, 2023

A Fall 2023 SGA Special Election is scheduled to be held on Wednesday, Sept. 20, 2023. A runoff election (if necessary) is planned for Tuesday, Sept. 26, 2023. Voting will be open on myBama from 7:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. CST on the day of the scheduled election. Additional information regarding the election timeline will be shared on SGA Elections by Tuesday, Aug. 22, 2023.

Available positions on the ballot include one Senate seat for the Graduate School. The Candidate Filing Period is Aug. 28 – Sept. 1, 2023, and any eligible student wishing to run for elected office must submit an online Application & Statement of Candidacy declaring intent to seek office by 11:59 p.m. CST on Friday, Sept. 1, 2023.

Candidates interested in running for an open position must attend one of the mandatory candidate
informational meetings. These sessions will be held virtually each day of Aug. 28 – 30, 2023,
from 6:15 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. via the following Zoom link. In addition to detailing the role and responsibilities of the available senate position, the informational session will cover the elections timeline, candidacy requirements, and campaign regulations.
Please contact the Student Elections Board, at sgaelections@ua.edu for inquiries regarding the Fall 2023 SGA Special Election.

PDF Fall 2023 SGA Special Election Announcement
PDF Fall 2023 SGA Special Election Timeline

Elections Manual Comment Form 2023

Tasked with revising the Student Elections Board Elections Manual, the Elections Board is seeking input from students on the current rules and regulations for conducting Student Government Association (SGA) elections and campaigns. In accordance with the SGA Constitution, the Election Manual must be revised once per term at least one month prior to the Spring General Election. Inviting comments from the student body will provide diverse points of view and new perspectives, which will be used to improve the quality of the election process and guidelines for next year. Students can submit comments via the online form through 11:59PM CST on Friday, May 5, 2023. If you are unable to submit comments online, please email sgaelections@ua.edu.

Follow this link to provide your Comments: Elections Manual Comment Form


Student Elections Board

Executive Order 03-23

An Executive Order Calling a Special Session of the SGA Senate on Thursday, March 9, 2023

WHEREAS, The 27th Senate of the Student Government Association was duly elected on March 8,
2022; and,

WHEREAS, The 27th Senate of the Student Government Association has had to postpone or cancel regularly scheduled sessions due to inclement weather and other circumstances; and,

WHEREAS, Article IV, Section 5, subsection E of the SGA Constitution states that the SGA President may “call special sessions of the Senate when deemed necessary; now,

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, By the authority vested in Madeline Elizabeth Martin as the elected President of The University of Alabama Student Government Association, and by the powers enumerated in the SGA Constitution and SGA Code of Laws, and in keeping with the Capstone Creed, it is hereby ordered: that the SGA Senate by called into Special Session Thursday, March 9, 2023 to consider FAC funding allocations for March 2023, to confirm the Chief Justices and Associate Justices of the Student Judiciary for the 2023-24 term, and to consider such business as the Speaker of the Senate and the membership of that body deem appropriate.

View EO-03-23 in PDF

Spring 2023 General Elections Official Results

These are the official results for the Spring 2023 SGA general elections.
Unofficial Spring SGA General Elections Graphic (PDF)

Executive Council


    Collier Dobbs

Executive Secretary

    Olivia Frazier

Executive Vice President

    Josie Schmitt

Vice President for Academic Affairs

    Johnny Foster

Vice President for Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion

    Bella Loia

Vice President for External Affairs

    Samad Gillani

Vice President for Financial Affairs

    Eric Doh

Vice President for Student Affairs

    Andrew Fairburn


    SGA Constitutional Amendment C-01-22: Passed
    Sga Constitutional Ammendment C-01-23: Passed


Capstone College of Nursing

    Kendall Stanton
    Brooke Garvey

College of Arts and Sciences

    Ella Brown
    Aydan Graham
    Katherine Gray
    Emma Blackmon
    Oliver Sinclair
    Cassidy Matwiyoff
    Jensyn Seay
    Eleanor Israel
    Ethan Pearson
    Eyram Gbeddy

College of Communication & Information Sciences

    Megan Bonhaus
    Riley Jordan
    Sarah Clevenger

College of Education

    Dillon Cook
    Kaelyn Thomas
    Madison Wiltshire

College of Engineering

    Jack Rudder
    Lucy Bonhaus
    Ben Staley
    Cade Bailey
    Kameron Prim
    Michael Rodrigue

College of Human Environmental Sciences

    Lexie Oats
    Mia Ford
    Hidy Kirkpatrick

Culverhouse College of Business

    Chloe Pickle
    Stella Jeffcoat
    Peyton Abbott
    Walker Parsons
    Leo Denning
    Britton Cooper
    Charles Eigner
    Phillip Krauss
    Jenni Page
    Christian Ladner
    Jack Sweda
    Jeffrey Connor Hux

Graduate School

    Tolulope Sanni
    Adefunke Erubodo
    Emilia Stuart
    Rebecca Rose Lutonsky
    TaMaya Mitchell
    Tolulope Kolapo

John Dodd & Ross D’Entremont (tie): There will be a runoff on March 2nd.

School of Law

    Alan Crisologo
    Andrew Mount

School of Soial Work

    Ragan Hope Wilson
    Anne Lauren Ermert

Spring 2023 Elections (Deadline Extended)

Message from the SGA Elections Board:

Dear students,

This morning there were issues with the voting link in MyBama. During this time, no ballots were accepted, as no students could access the election polls. The issue was resolved at 8:42 a.m. CST and polls are now open for voting. Because of the delay, polls will remain open until 9 p.m. CST this evening. You may access the voting site through MyBama.

SGA Elections Board

Spring 2023 SGA General Election Final Ballot

Executive Council Candidates


  • Collier Dobbs
  • John Richardson

Executive Secretary

  • Olivia Frazier

Executive Vice President

  • Elizabeth Prophet
  • Josie Schmitt

Vice President for Academic Affairs

  • Johnny Foster

Vice President for Diversity Equity, & Inclusion

  • Bella Loia
  • Xzarria Peterson

Vice President for External Affairs

  • Samad Gillani

Vice President for Financial Affairs

  • Eric Doh

Vice President for Student Affairs

  • Karina Collins
  • Andrew Fairburn


Senate Candidates

Capstone College of Nursing Candidates

  • Brooke Garvey
  • Kendall Stanton

College of Arts and Sciences Candidates

  • Emma Blackmon
  • Jisoo Bolles
  • Ella Brown
  • Daniel Crowson
  • Eyram Gbeddy
  • Aydan Graham
  • Katherine Gray
  • Bryce Holt
  • Eleanor Israel
  • Mitchell Lynn
  • Cassidy Matwiyoff
  • Bryson Kade Morgan
  • Jessica Morgenstern
  • Nathan Nislick
  • Jason Odom
  • Ethan Pearson
  • Austin Peddy
  • Tanner Roden
  • Hayden Rutter
  • Jensyn Seay
  • Oliver Sinclair
  • Jordan Suttles
  • Chad Wright Jr.

College of Communication & Information Sciences Candidates

  • Megan Bonhaus
  • Sarah Clevenger
  • Victor Hagan
  • Riley Jordan

College of Education Candidates

  • Dillon Cook
  • Kaelyn Thames
  • Madison Wiltshire

College of Engineering Candidates

  • Pierce Austin
  • Cade Bailey
  • Lucy Bonhaus
  • Gibson Cheney
  • Kameron Prim
  • Michael Rodrigue
  • Jack Rudder
  • Ben Staley
  • Sarah Jayne Wilson

College of Human Environmental Sciences

  • Jacob Edwards
  • Mia Ford
  • Hidy Kirkpatrick
  • Lexie Oats

Culverhouse College of Business Senate Candidates

  • Peyton Abbott
  • Britton Cooper
  • Leo Denning
  • Mike Egan
  • Charles Eigner
  • Myles Gollop
  • Jeffrey Connor Hux
  • Stella Jeffcoat
  • Phillip Krauss
  • Christian Ladner
  • Jenni Page
  • Walker Parsons
  • Chloe Pickle
  • Jack Sweda

Graduate School Candidates

  • Adefunke Beatrice Eruobodo
  • Rebecca Rose Lutonsky
  • TaMaya Mitchell
  • Tolulope Sanni
  • Emilia Stuart

Law School Candidates

  • Alan Crisologo
  • Andrew Mount

School of Social Work Senate Candidates

  • Emma Dekruif
  • Anne Lauren Ermert
  • Ragan Hope Wilson

Spring 2023 SGA General Election Final Ballot (PDF)