Executive Order 08-28
- August 25th, 2023
- in Executive Orders
An Executive Order Calling a Special Session of the SGA Senate on Monday, August 28, 2023
WHEREAS, The 28th Senate of the Student Government Association was duly elected on February 28, 2023; and,
WHEREAS, Article IV, Section 5, subsection E of the SGA Constitution states that the SGA President may “call special sessions of the Senate when deemed necessary; now,
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, By the authority vested in John Collier Dobbs III as the
elected President of The University of Alabama Student Government Association, and by
the powers enumerated in the SGA Constitution and SGA Code of Laws, and in keeping
with the Capstone Creed, it is hereby ordered: that the SGA Senate by called into Special Session
Monday, August 28, 2023 to confirm an Associate Justice of the Student Judiciary, the Senate’s
Parliamentarian and First Year Council Directors for the 2023-24 term, and to consider such
business as the Speaker of the Senate and the membership of that body deem appropriate.
View EO-08-28 in PDF
Zoom link for the Special Session of the SGA Senate on Monday, August 28, 2023