Spring 2023 SGA General Election Sample Ballot

Executive Council Candidates


  • Collier Dobbs
  • John Richardson

Executive Secretary

  • Olivia Frazier

Executive Vice President

  • Elizabeth Prophet
  • Josie Schmitt

Vice President for Academic Affairs

  • Johnny Foster

Vice President for Diversity Equity, & Inclusion

  • Bella Loia
  • Xzarria Peterson

Vice President for External Affairs

  • Samad Gillani

Vice President for Financial Affairs

  • Eric Doh

Vice President for Student Affairs

  • Karina Collins
  • Andrew Fairburn


Senate Candidates

Capstone College of Nursing Candidates

  • Brooke Garvey
  • Kendall Stanton

College of Arts and Sciences Candidates

  • Emma Blackmon
  • Jisoo Bolles
  • Ella Brown
  • Daniel Crowson
  • Eyram Gbeddy
  • Aydan Graham
  • Katherine Gray
  • Bryce Holt
  • Eleanor Israel
  • Mitchell Lynn
  • Cassidy Matwiyoff
  • Bryson Kade Morgan
  • Jessica Morgenstern
  • Nathan Nislick
  • Jason Odom
  • Ethan Pearson
  • Austin Peddy
  • Tanner Roden
  • Hayden Rutter
  • Jensyn Seay
  • Oliver Sinclair
  • Jordan Suttles
  • Chad Wright Jr.

College of Communication & Information Sciences Candidates

  • Megan Bonhaus
  • Sarah Clevenger
  • Victor Hagan
  • Riley Jordan

College of Education Candidates

  • Dillon Cook
  • Kaelyn Thames
  • Madison Wiltshire

College of Engineering Candidates

  • Pierce Austin
  • Cade Bailey
  • Lucy Bonhaus
  • Gibson Cheney
  • Kameron Prim
  • Michael Rodrigue
  • Jack Rudder
  • Ben Staley
  • Sarah Jayne Wilson

College of Human Environmental Sciences

  • Jacob Edwards
  • Mia Ford
  • Hidy Kirkpatrick
  • Lexie Oats

Culverhouse College of Business Senate Candidates

  • Peyton Abbott
  • Bobby Brady
  • Britton Cooper
  • Leo Denning
  • Mike Egan
  • Charles Eigner
  • Myles Gollop
  • Jeffrey Connor Hux
  • Stella Jeffcoat
  • Phillip Krauss
  • Christian Ladner
  • Jenni Page
  • Walker Parsons
  • Chloe Pickle
  • Jack Sweda

Graduate School Candidates

  • Adefunke Beatrice Eruobodo
  • Rebecca Rose Lutonsky
  • TaMaya Mitchell
  • Tolulope Sanni
  • Emilia Stuart

Law School Candidates

  • Alan Crisologo
  • Andrew Mount

School of Social Work Senate Candidates

  • Emma Dekruif
  • Anne Lauren Ermert
  • Ragan Hope Wilson

Spring 2023 SGA General Election Sample Ballot (PDF)


Authors: Madeline Martin, SGA President
Sponsors: Speaker Geiger, Secretary Frazier, Senator Akins, Senator Nangle, Senator Smalley, Senator Golden, Senator Howell, Senator Derisavi, Senator Outlaw, Senator Patrick, Senator Wilson, Senator Wiltanger, Senator Sims, Senator Harnage, Senator McLendon, Senator Baggett
Endorsements: Jack Steinmetz, Executive Vice President; Cameron Doyle, SGA Vice President for Academic Affairs; Lauryn Parker, SGA Vice President for Financial Affairs; Collier Dobbs, SGA Vice President for External Affairs; Josie Schmitt, SGA Executive Secretary; Izzy Boyd, SGA Vice President for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion; Luke Dille, Vice President for Student Affairs; Colin Marcum, SGA Chief of Staff;


Section 1. Findings

The State of the School address is established to “take place on the 2nd Tuesday of November each year.” This date falls on election day for many local, state, and national offices. With UA’s large in-state population, this can create difficulties to leave campus to vote while also attending the State of the School event.
Furthermore, for those who want to watch the election results come in would either miss the State of the School Address or said elections results.
Therefore, the time has come to change the date of the State of the School Address to amplify opportunities for being a civilly engaged student and citizen. The updates are reflected in red.

Section 2. Constitution and Updates

Section 5: Executive Powers and Duties of the President. The President of the Student
Government Association shall:

A. Lead the SGA in achieving the objectives of this Constitution.
B. Serve as chairperson of the Executive Council.
C. Appoint the Chief of Staff within ten full class days of the beginning of his or her term
of office.
D. Notify the Senate, in writing, of any vacancies which may occur in the Executive
Council or Executive Cabinet, within ten full class days of receiving notice of such
vacancy. If the Senate by its adjournment prevents such notice, the notice shall be
given at the first meeting of the Senate after its adjournment.
E. Call special sessions of the Senate when deemed necessary.
F. Reappoint any appointed officials of the executive branch who serve at the will of
the President according to the provisions of Article IV, Section 4.
G. Form new committees as needed and assign them to the appropriate executive
branch officials.
H. Serve as a member or an ex-officio member of all executive committees.
I. Deliver the “State of the School Address” each semester.
1. The State of the School Address shall take place on the 2nd Tuesday of
November each year. The State of the School Address shall take place in
January of each year.
J. Possess a limited veto power.
1. The SGA President shall exercise veto power as he or she sees fit over all Acts
of Senate and Bills of Law passed by the Senate.
a. A veto of Acts of Senate and Bills of Law must be done within five
full class days after the President’s receipt of said legislation.
b. After five full class days following the President’s initial receipt, all
Acts of Senate and Bills of Laws will be considered passed with or
without the President’s signature unless vetoed.
2. The SGA President shall not possess the right to exercise a line-item veto over
all Acts of Senate and Bills of Law passed by the Senate.
3. The SGA President shall not possess the right to exercise a veto or line-item
veto on Resolutions passed by the Senate.
K. Serve as chief liaison between the SGA and organizations internal and external to The
University of Alabama.
L. Serve as the student representative to The University of Alabama System Board of
Trustees, or if unable to attend, ensure the Executive Vice President is able to attend.
M. Schedule Executive Council meetings.
N. Instruct the incoming SGA President on all matters pertaining to the office of President before leaving office.

Section 3. Ratification

This amendment will become law upon vote by 2/3rds vote of the SGA Senate and referendum of the student body.

Section 4. Legitimacy and Awareness

This amendment, if passed in the Senate by the appropriate margins, will be posted at least two (2) weeks in advance of the Spring SGA Elections on the SGA website for students to review.
Be it further resolved, that copies of this Act be sent to: Dr. Stuart R. Bell, President of the University of Alabama; Dr. Steven Hood, Vice-President for Student Life; Angel Narvaez-Lugo, The University of Alabama Student Government Advisor; Taryn Gieger, Speaker of the Senate; Caleb Thome, Chief Justice; Ansley Stamper, Chair of the SGA Elections Board; Dr. Kat Gillan, SGA Elections Board Advisor; The Crimson White; and others as may be deemed necessary at a later date.

View C-1-23 (PDF)


Authors: Senator Elizabeth Prophet, Speaker of The Senate CJ Pearson
Sponsors: Senator Kieghan Nangle, Secretary of The Senate Taryn Geiger, Senator Noel Kenney, Senator Xzarria Peterson, Senator Jack Rudder, Senator Clay Bruce, Senator Tyler Tannehill, Senator Jennifer Baggett
Endorsements: Collier Dobbs, Vice President of External Affairs; Lauryn Parker, Vice President of Financial Affairs; Josie Schmitt, Executive Secretary, Luke Dille; Vice President of Student Affairs


Be it enacted by the Senate of the Student Government Association assembled.

Section 1. Findings:

A. In a recent decision issued by the Judicial Board, it was ordered by the Court that A-03-21 was invalidated under the pretense that it did not pertain to “matters involving“ some sort of monetary allocation”.
B. However, it has long been the practice and interpretation of the legislative branch of the Student Government Association that an Act pertains to all actions, initiatives, and/or programming to be carried out by the Student Government Association, with and without monetary allocation.
C. As a result of the recent opinion of the Judicial Board, it has now become both a pressing and urgent need to further clarify the legislative actions that rightly fall underneath the category of “Act”.

Section 2. Amendment to the Constitution: changes in red


Section 8: Presentation and passage of legislation. Two-thirds of the Senate’s voting members shall constitute a quorum to conduct business.
A. All legislation of the Senate shall be categorized as follows:
1. Acts of Senate: Acts which authorize or mandate the Executive Branch to begin a new SGA program, project or initiative, or allocation of the SGA budget. All Acts of Senate are subject to presidential veto as outlined in Article IV, Section 5, subsection J.
2. Bills of Law: The SGA Budget and amendments to the SGA Code of Laws. All Bills of Law are subject to presidential veto as outlined in Article IV, Section 5, subsection J.
3. Resolutions: Expressions of sentiment of the Senate, which are not subject to presidential veto outlined in Article IV, Section 5, subsection J(3).

View C-01-22 (PDF)

Executive Order 02-23

An Executive Order Calling a Special Session of the SGA Senate on Thursday, February 9, 2023

WHEREAS, The 27th Senate of the Student Government Association was duly elected on March 8, 2022; and,
WHEREAS, The Financial Affairs Committee is responsible for the allocation of funds to Registered Student Organizations; and,
WHEREAS, Registered Student Organizations who applied for FAC funding rely on an expedient disbursement of funds in order to engage in programming and professional development; and,
WHEREAS, Article IV, Section 5, subsection E of the SGA Constitution states that the SGA President may “call special sessions of the Senate when deemed necessary; now,
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, By the authority vested in MadelineElizabeth Martin as the elected President of The University of Alabama Student Government Association, and by
the powers enumerated in the G A Constitution and SGA Code of Laws, and in keeping
with the Capstone Creed, it is hereby ordered: that the SGA Senate by called into Special Session
Thursday, February 9, 2023 to consider the FAC’s funding requests for the month of February 2023.

View EO-02-23 in PDF

Spring 2023 Candidate Interest Meetings

The deadline to declare candidacy for an SGA elected executive or legislative position is Friday, February 10, 2023, at 11:59pm CST. Candidates and their campaign managers must attend one of the Mandatory Candidate Interest Meetings to be held virtually January 30 – February 2, 2023, at 6:15 p.m. CST via Zoom.

The sessions will cover the election timeline, candidacy requirements, and campaign regulations as well as the roles and responsibilities of each electable position. Additionally, the information sessions will explain the application process for the Student Judiciary and include an overview of the entire SGA organization.

Candidates and campaign managers unable to attend one of the scheduled mandatory interest meetings, must notify the Elections Board Chair at sgaelections@ua.edu, before the last scheduled meeting and provide an explanation of the absence. If excused, the candidate will work with the Elections Board to determine alternate arrangements. If a candidate does not attend a candidate informational meeting or make the necessary alternative arrangements with the Elections Board, they will be disqualified from the election.

Spring 2023 SGA Candidate Interest Meetings (PDF)

Spring 2023 SGA General Election Announcement

The Spring 2023 SGA General Election is scheduled for Tuesday, Feb. 28, 2023. Available positions on the ballot include the Executive Council and Senators for each respective degree-awarding college. Voting will be open on myBama from 7:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. CST on the day of the scheduled election (Feb. 28). Additional information regarding the election timeline will be shared on SGA Elections.

The available Executive Council positions include President, Executive Vice President, Vice President for Student Affairs, Vice President for Academic Affairs, Vice President for Financial Affairs, Vice President for External Affairs, Vice President for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, and Executive Secretary. The apportionment of seats for the 28th Senate approved by the Student Government Association is as follows:

  • Capstone College of Nursing – 2 seats
  • College of Arts & Sciences – 10 seats
  • College of Communication & Information Sciences – 3 seats
  • College of Education – 3 seats
  • College of Engineering – 6 seats
  • College of Human Environmental Sciences – 3 seats
  • Culverhouse College of Business – 12 seats
  • Graduate School – 7 seats
  • School of Law – 2 seats
  • School of Social Work – 2 seats

Students interested in running for an elected SGA position should be aware that the Candidacy Filing Period is set for Feb. 6-10, 2023, and the Candidacy Filing Deadline is 11:59 p.m. CST on Feb. 10, 2023. Further, candidates and their campaign managers must attend one of the Mandatory Candidate Interest Meetings to be held virtually Jan. 30 – Feb. 2, 2023, at 6:15 p.m. CST via Zoom. The sessions will cover the election timeline, candidacy requirements, and campaign regulations as well as the roles and responsibilities of each electable position. Additionally, the information sessions will explain the application process for the Student Judiciary and include an overview of the entire SGA organization. For more information, including Zoom links for the Candidate Interest Meetings, please visit SGA Elections.

Please contact Ansley Stamper, Chair of the Student Elections Board, at sgaelections@ua.edu for
inquiries regarding the Spring 2023 SGA General Election.

Spring 2023 SGA Elections Announcement

The Spring 2023 SGA General Election is scheduled for February 28, 2023. Available positions on
the ballot include the Executive Council and Senators for each respective degree-awarding
college. Voting will be open on myBama from 7:00am – 7:00pm CST on the day of the scheduled
While more detailed information regarding the election timeline will be shared in January,
candidates interested in running for an elected SGA position should be aware that the
Candidacy Filing Period is set for February 6-10, 2023, and the Candidacy Filing Deadline is
11:59 p.m. CST on February 10, 2023. Further, candidates and their campaign managers must
attend one of the Mandatory Candidate Interest Meetings to be held virtually January 30 –
February 2, 2023, at 6:15 p.m. CST via Zoom. The sessions will cover the election timeline,
candidacy requirements, and campaign regulations as well as the roles and responsibilities of
each electable position. Additionally, the information sessions will explain the application
process for the Student Judiciary and include an overview of the entire SGA organization.
Please contact Ansley Stamper, Chair of the Student Elections Board, at sgaelections@ua.edu
for inquiries regarding the Spring 2023 SGA Elections.

Second Fall 2022 Special Election Announcement

A second Fall 2022 SGA Special Election is scheduled to be held on Thursday, Nov. 17, 2022.
A run-off election (if necessary) is planned for Tuesday, November 29, 2022. Voting will be
open on myBama from 7:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. CST on the day of the scheduled election.
Additional information regarding the election timeline will be shared on SGA Elections.
Open positions on the ballot include one Senate seat for the Culverhouse College of Business
and one Senate seat for the School of Social Work. Depending on the results of the Oct. 27
Special Election, one Graduate School Senate seat could also be available. The Candidate Filing
Period is Oct. 28 – Nov. 1, 2022, and any eligible student wishing to run for elected office must
submit an online Application & Statement of Candidacy declaring intent to seek office by 11:59
p.m. CST on Tuesday, Nov. 1, 2022.
Candidates interested in running for an open position must attend, along with their Campaign
Manager, one of the Candidate Interest Meetings. These sessions will be held virtually each day
of Oct. 25, 2022 – Oct. 27, 2022, from 6:15 p.m. – 7:15 p.m. via Zoom. In addition to detailing
the role and responsibilities of the available senate positions, the informational sessions will
cover the elections timeline, candidacy requirements, and campaign regulations.
Please contact Ansley Stamper, Chair of the Student Elections Board, at sgaelections@ua.edu for
inquiries regarding the second Fall 2022 SGA Special Election.

Fall 2022 SGA Elections Announcement

A Fall 2022 SGA Special Election is scheduled to be held on Thursday, Oct, 27, 2022. A run-off election (if necessary) is planned for Tuesday, November 1, 2022. Voting will be open on myBama from 7:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. CST on the day of the scheduled election. Additional information regarding the election timeline will be shared on SGA Elections by Wednesday, Sept. 28, 2022.

Available positions on the ballot include two Senate seats for the Graduate School. The Candidate Filing Period is Oct. 5 – Oct. 10, 2022, and any eligible student wishing to run for elected office must submit an online Application & Statement of Candidacy declaring intent to seek office by 11:59 p.m. CST on Monday, Oct. 10, 2022.

Candidates interested in running for an open position must attend an elections information session. These sessions will be held virtually each day of Oct. 3, 2022 – Oct. 5, 2022, from 6:15 p.m. – 7:15 p.m. via the following Zoom link. In addition to detailing the role and responsibilities of the available senate positions, the informational sessions will cover the elections timeline, candidacy requirements, and campaign regulations.

Please contact Ansley Stamper, Chair of the Student Elections Board, at sgaelections@ua.edu for inquiries regarding the Fall 2022 SGA Special Election.

Statement from SGA – February 18th, 2022

The news of Dr. Pope’s actions has been painful for our campus community to process, and we share in our fellow students’ sadness and disappointment. We stand with victims of exploitation and remain steadfast in our efforts to advocate on behalf of, and provide resources for, members of our campus community in crisis or need. If you or someone you know is in search of support, please reach out to one of the following organizations:

Office of Title IX

(205) 348-5496 / uact.ua.edu

Tuscaloosa SAFE Center

(205) 860-7233 / tuscaloosasafecenter.com

Turning Point

(205) 758-0808 / turningpointservices.org


205-348-5040 / wgrc.sa.ua.edu

RAINN hotline



205-348-5454 / police.ua.edu