The University of Alabama wants to see the student section at Bryant-Denny Stadium filled during every home football game! As a result, students who do not use, transfer, or donate their tickets will receive penalty points. A student who receives a penalty may appeal it. The Student Government Association Student Judiciary Chief Justice and Associate Justices hear all football ticket penalty appeals. Below is some information regarding the appeals process.

Please note, students who accumulate four (4) or more penalty points will not be allowed to opt in for the (1) current season’s post-season tickets, (2) regular season tickets for the following year, and (3) post-season tickets for the following year.

Penalty Points and Offenses

Unused Football Ticket, 2 Points

A student did not use his/her football ticket in any capacity through donation, transfer, or attending the game. Some examples include:

  • Not attending the game and not upgrading or transferring a student ticket.
  • Accidental un-swiped Action card upon entry into the game.
  • Not donating or transferring a student ticket after late donation ends one hour prior to kickoff.

Upgraded Football Ticket, 2 Points

A student upgrades his/her student football ticket to a general admission ticket for a non-UA student. Some examples include:

  • Upgrading a student ticket for a family member, friend, or individual who is not a UA student.

Late Donation Football Ticket, 1 Point

A student donates his/her football ticket to the ticket bank after 5:00 p.m. Central time on the Wednesday prior to the home game for that particular ticket.

Special Circumstances

If a student receives a penalty point notification for any of the above offenses, but they transferred their ticket to a specific UA student, the student is advised to submit an appeal and attach acceptable forms of proof.

The Football Penalty Appeal Process

  • Email notifications sent to your email address must be used to appeal your ticket.
  • Make sure to include acceptable forms of proof, as listed below.

Acceptable Forms of Proof

Unused Tickets

Act Card – Required

  • Photo of Act Card with name and photo clearly visible and legible.

Financial Transactions (e.g., time-stamped receipts)

  • Picture of a concession stand receipt with relevant transactions clearly visible and legible.

Photo at the Game

  • Clear picture of you at the game with identifying feature from the Stadium that is clearly visible (i.e. scoreboard, opposing team, Snapchat filter).

Late Donation

For this type of offense, evidence of any technical glitches in the system may be substituted.

Transferred Tickets

In the event that you receive a penalty point for any of the above offenses, but you transferred your ticket to another student, an acceptable form of proof may be the time-stamped e-mail notification that you received when you transferred the ticket. Attaching a copy of this e-mail as a PDF in the Upload Documentation section of the appeal process is acceptable.

What to Expect from the Appeals Process

The SGA Student Judiciary reviews and evaluates all submitted appeals. Here is what to expect regarding the status or outcome of an appeal.


If your appeal is approved, you will receive an official e-mail within 5-7 academic days. No penalty points will be assessed or applied to your account.


If your appeal is pending, you will receive an e-mail officially notifying you of this decision within 5-7 academic days. In this e-mail, you will be asked to provide additional information to help the Student Judiciary to reach its decision. If you fail to provide the required information by the stated deadline, your appeal will be automatically denied.


If your appeal is denied, you will receive an official e-mail notifying you of this decision within 5-7 academic days. No further action is required, and the appropriate penalty points associated with the offense will be applied to your account. You are responsible for keeping up with the number of penalty points that you have incurred.